Online therapy for youth and young adults

* Please note that this practice is now closed.*

Is your teenager struggling to cope with school, friends, family and extra curricular activities? If they are not fully engaging in the things they want and need to do, this is the time to reach out for help.

I help clients manage mental health illnesses, complex and chronic health conditions, congenital and developmental disabilities, and any symptoms that limit participation in everyday activities. I have experience helping autistic individuals who need extra support with life skills, self-regulation, self-care, and gross and fine motor skills.

My virtual mental health service specializes in eating disorders, and I also help young people with anxiety, depression, self-harm, stress, sleep, fatigue and persistent / chronic pain.

Contact me to book your video appointment for an initial assessment – you are welcome to attend as a family or you can book your teen a one-on-one private assessment.

  • Eating Disorder Service

    Helping adolescents and young adults prevent and recover from anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, orthorexia / clean eating, chronic dieting, disordered eating. (Virtual)

    eating disorder service
  • Occupational Therapy

    Helping autistic and non-autistic children and young people navigate mental health challenges, build life skills, and participate more fully in their lives and communities. (Virtual)

    occupational therapy services


  • 50 minutes: $150 CAD
    Virtual | Pacific Time Zone

  • 50 minutes: $150 CAD
    Virtual | Pacific Time Zone

  • 25 minutes: $85 CAD
    Virtual | Pacific Time Zone
    To discuss your child’s progress – consent is required from your teenager for me to discuss content from their sessions.